How to survive the summer holidays: social-networking pitfalls
Oversharers beware, not everyone wants constant updates on your summer break. Try to hold back from the selfies, the legsies and all those smug hashtags.
Holiday photos used to be something experienced by the unlucky few as blue-tinged snaps, passed around after the fondue. Now we have as-it-happens coverage from a new generation of insufferable foreign correspondents keen to show off their tans, the view or endless plates of food topped with a delicately carved radish.
Fair enough, you've worked hard for your break and you want others to admire the quality of sunset you can now afford. But before you frame that sepia harbour photo on your camera phone and rub it in the noses of the entire internet, consider how much you're annoying the folks in their grey work cubicles back home and try to avoid these new-fangled social networking pitfalls. Or, you know, don't. It's your holiday.
"How sad that they're too busy taking pictures of things to actually experience them," the haters will scoff. These are usually the same haters who, minutes later will post a close-up of a small potted palm on their back patio with some blue sky above it, adding the caption, "Enjoying the garden" and then labelling their defensive staycationing with the appalling #nofilter.
The incessant boast-a-gramming often starts before holidaymakers have even boarded the plane/ferry/train/car to paradise. I'm amazed at the number of people who tweet publicly about their upcoming holidays: "Off to see this chap tomorrow," they'll bleat happily, posting a picture of the Cristo de la Concordia towering over Cochabamba that they found on Google image search. Cue dozens of burglars checking the rest of the boaster's timeline for clues as to where they live. Try not to tell the world your house will be empty if you're the sort of oversharer who tweets the view from your bedroom window or similar. Someone will work it out.
Now the rolling timeline of envy is compounded with Vine and Instagram videos. Your sangria-ed up friends have the technology to bombard you with 10-second movies of their dinner at will. The creative ones will at least make their king prawns wink at you, but the duller/drunker ones are happy to film a plate of inanimate produce. Allow them one of these atrocities, then mute them until they've been back for a fortnight and have got it out of their systems.
Hashtags are designed to add another layer of unbearable smugness. In one camp are the "bliss" people. Do not end you holiday posts with #bliss. This puts you on a par with folk who leave their dog's poo on the pavement rather than disposing of it in a bag. You might as well find a little turd emoticon and stick that on the end of your bliss posts.
In the other camp are the ones who tag their delightful archipelagoes with #sorry. Do not apologise. You posted the picture so stand by your boasting or delete immediately. You are not sorry; you are enjoying the long-distance taunting of people you probably claim to like to their faces.
Lastly, the boldest beach-baskers have recently taken to a new kind of selfie – the legsie. They hold the camera under their chins and aim down their resplendent, golden bodies making sure to get in their legs in (or their whole midriff if they're a supermodel). Beyond the honeyed limbs, the sand and sea are usually visible and perhaps to one side there will be a holiday-style drink with an umbrella. Or Aperol, whatever that is. I don't know whether to applaud these people for all of their hard work or print out their legsie picture and throw darts at it. Yes, I do.
social networking - serwis społecznościowy
a pitfall - pułapka, potrzask, niebezpieczeństwoan oversharer - osoba dzieląca się zbyt wieloma informacjami (np. ze swojego życia)
to beware - wystrzegać się (np. Beware! - Strzeż się!)
to hold back from - powstrzymać się od
a selfie - zdjęcie zrobione samemu sobie (slang)
a legsie - zdjęcie swoich nóg (slang)
smug - wymuskany, lalkowaty, próżny
a hashtag - tag poprzedzony symbolem #
(the) unclucky few - pechowcy
blue-tinged - zabarwiony na niebiesko, o niebieskim odcieniu
a snap - fotka, ujęcie, zdjęcie
a fondue - szwajcarska potrawa z sera
as it happens - tak się składa
insufferable - nieznośny
to show off - popisywać się
a tan - opalenizna
topped - zwieńczony
carved - rzeźbiony
a radish - rzodkiewka
fair enough - w porządku, nie ma sprawy
to rub one's nose in it - zrobić coś, co przypomnie komuś, że mu się dobrze nie wiedzie
a folk - czlowiek, koleś
a cubicle - klitka, kącik, izdebka
new-fangled - nowomodny (obraźliwie)
a hater - człowiek nienawidzący, wytykający wszystkim błędy
to scoff - kpić, drwić, szydzić
a close-up - zbliżenie, zdjęcie wykonane z bliska
a caption - podpis (np. pod zdjęciem)
to label - oznaczyć, opatrzyć etykietą
staycation - wszystko policzyć raz jeszcze
appalling - przerażający, okropny
incessant - bezustanny, nieprzerwany
bleat - beczeć, jęczeć
to tower - pięrzyć się
a timeline - oś czasu (na Fb)
to work sth out - zrozumieć coś, dojść do czegoś
envy - zazdrość
to be compounded with - być złożonym z
a prawn - krewetka
dull - nudny, tępy
atrocity - ohyda, okropność
unbearable - nie do zniesienia
smugness - zadowolenie z samego siebie
a bliss - rozkosz, błogość
on a par with - na równi z
to dispose of - pozbyć się czegoś
turd - g*wniany
delightful - rozkoszny, zachwycający
to boast - przechwalać się, szczycić, chełpić
a taunting - drwina
resplendent - olśniewający, wspaniały
a midriff - brzuch, talia
honeyed - słodki
a limb - kończyna
to applaud - przyklaskiwać, bić brawo
darts - rzutki
OdpowiedzUsuńDzięki! :D Choć trochę turystycznie.. :P
Usuńświetny opracowałaś ten artykuł :D i jest bardzo na czasie :D i nawet slangowe słówka są :D super :D
OdpowiedzUsuńO widzisz, właśnie o Tobie myślałam, jak tłumaczyłam te slangowe :D