Najwyższy czas, aby przyjrzeć się mowie zależnej (eng. reported speech). Mowy zależnej używamy zawsze wtedy, gdy chcemy zrelacjonować czyjąś wypowiedź, bez dokładnego jej cytowania. Np. zdanie "I speak English" zreportujemy w sposób następujący: He said that he spoke English.
Jakie zmiany zaobserwowaliśmy?
- zniknął cudzysłów (nie jest to już cytat, lecz nasza parafraza)
- cofnął się czas, w którym sformułowaliśmy wypowiedź (Present Simple -> Past Simple).
Rzućmy okiem na reguły, których znajomość pozwoli Wam na przekształcenie dowolnej wypowiedzi na zdanie w mowie zależnej. Poniżej znajdziecie ściągawkę dla wszystkich szesnastu czasów.
I. Present
Present Simple -> Past Simple
Tom says: "I speak English." -> Tom said that he spoke English.
Present Continuous -> Past Continuous
Tom says: "I am eating dinner." -> Tom said that he was eating dinner.
Present Perfect -> Past Perfect
Tom says: "I have arrived." -> Tom said that he had arrived.
Present Perfect Continuous -> Past Perfect Continuous
Tom says: "I have been working." -> Tom said that he had been working.
II. Past
Past Simple -> Past Perfect
Tom says: "I ate an apple." -> Tom said that he had eaten an apple.
Past Continuous -> Past Perfect Continuous
Tom says: "I was eating an apple." -> Tom said that he had been eating an apple.
Past Perfect -> Past Perfect
Tom says: "I had seen her." -> Tom said that he had seen her.
Past Perfect Continuous -> Past Perfect Continuous
Toms says: "I had been reading." -> Tom said that he had been reading.
III. Future
Future Simple -> Would
Tom says: "I will read." -> Tom said that he would read.
Future Continuous -> Would be (doing sth)
Tom says: "I will be going." -> Tom said that he would be going.
Future Perfect -> Would have (past participle)
Tom says: "I will have read it by tomorrow." -> Tom said that he would have read it by tomorrow.
Future Perfect Continuous -> Would have been (doing sth)
Tom says: "I will have been working for a month." -> Tom said that he would have been working for a month.
IV. Modals
Can -> Could
Tom says: "I can do it." -> Tom said that he could do it.
May -> Might
Tom says: "The meeting may end early." -> Tom said that the meeting might end early.
Must -> Must/Had to
Tom says: "I must work." -> Tom said I must/had to work.
Could/Might/Would/Ought to/Used to -> Could/Might/Would/Ought to/Used to
Tom says: "I could go there." -> Tom said he could go there.
A co, jeśli w zdaniu pojawi się słówko, typu "now", "here" lub "today"? Zmieniamy je wg wzoru:
now -> then
today -> that day
tonight -> that night
last night -> the night before/the previous night
tomorrow -> the next day/the following day
yesterday -> the day before/the previous day
two days/months/years ago -> two days/months/years before
this -> that
these -> those
here -> there
Oj z tymi czasami to nie zawsze jest tak, nie zawsze. Wystarczy spojrzec do Advanced Grammar in Use (unit 35) - tense choice in reporting ;-)
OdpowiedzUsuńAbsolutnie sie z Toba zgadzam :) Piszac posty korzystam z kilku ksiazek, ktore obowiazywaly na studiach - niestety prawie wszystkie zawieraja pewne sprzecznosci :) Na pewno z biegiem czasem poswiece takim niuansom odrebna notke. Dzieki za uwage!
UsuńCiekawe! Ja zauwazylam, ze ksiazki pisane z mysla o uczacych sie angielskiego jako jezyka obcego (lub drugiego) zazwyczaj trzymaja sie sztywno regul gramatycznych. Natomiast pomoce dla native speaker'ow uwzgledniaja juz pewne sprawy, o ktorych nie ma mowy w innych podrecznikach. Choc powoli sie to zmienia, jak widac z nowej edycji Advanced Grammar, co mnie bardzo cieszy.
UsuńSerdecznie pozdrawiam!
Tom said HE must/had to work.